Flor Essence
How you benefit
from Flor Essence tea
✓ For vitality, good health and performance
✓ The original composition directly from Canada
✓ Extremely high-yield product
✓ Popular and in demand worldwide
✓ Awarded “Best Herbal Product of the Year” several times in Canada (www.alive.com)
Flor Essence is one of the most popular medicinal and herbal teas worldwide. The loose dry herbal tea lasts 6 to 9 weeks. Support your health with Flor Essence Indian tea!
Flor Essence Tea
Herbal blend 3 × 21g
Flor Essence is based on the ancient herbal wisdom of the Ojibwa Indians, a Canadian tribe. One day, the well-known Canadian nurse Rene Caisse found out about this. Rene then administered the herbal tea to people seeking help from her for several years. With surprising success!
Years later, she approached Charles Brusch, suspecting what for a gem she had in this tea blend.
In collaboration with C. Brusch, Rene researched and improved the “sacred tea of the Indians” in Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA). Once they were both satisfied with the result, they wanted to make the precious tea blend known to the whole world – to help and do good for people.
Charles Brusch finally entrusted the herbal tea to Elaine Alexander, a well-known researcher and specialist in nutrition and health, because of her years of experience in the field of herbs and plants. She took on the task of distributing the unique Indian tea throughout Canada and far beyond.
Elaine Alexander still produces Flor Essence together with the company Flora (Canada) and its recipe is still based on the ancient knowledge of the Ojibwa Indians. Elaine Alexander’s signature on every Flor Essence pack vouches for this.
The worldwide success of Flor Essence tea is based not least on the high quality standards of the Flora company with regard to the selection of raw ingredients, recipe, production, quality control and environmental awareness.
See for yourself – you’ll be impressed!

The eight-herb blend consists of the following medicinal plants:

Burdock root


Elm bark


Rhubarb root


Blessed thistle

Red clover
You will find the power of nature in
Flor Essence
The herbs for Flor Essence herbal tea are carefully selected and originate
97% from certified organic farming and 12% from wild collection. The tea is vegan, kosher and GMO-free.
Often copied but never equalled: the well-kept original recipe has already convinced people in 26 countries around the world. You can recognise the original by Elaine Alexander’s signature on each product!

Brewing, usage amounts and consumption
Brewing the herbal tea is like a little health ritual. Despite the long brewing time, the effective time required is only about 10 minutes – then you can enjoy the Flor Essence tea for several weeks. Simple step-by-step instructions are included in each pack. Otherwise you can also go directly to the instructions.
Alternatively, Flor Essence is also available ready-made in bottles.
Recommended consumption
For best results, take between 2-4 tablespoons (30-60 ml) of Flor Essence 2-3 times a day. To do this, dilute the portioned amount of herbal tea with the same amount of water and enjoy your “sacred drink”.
Herbal experts generally recommend starting with a small amount and then slowly increasing the dosage.
Flor Essence is not suitable for pregnant and breastfeeding women or for people who are hypersensitive to iodine.
Why does the tea have to be brewed in this special way?
Although we refer to it as herbal tea, this is actually a herbal essence. It is therefore prepared differently to an ordinary tea. Some of the plant parts used take longer to develop their aroma. For example, roots of plants or the bark of trees. Therefore, the 8 herbs are not available as infusion bags. This is the only way to enjoy the full effect of Flor Essence for your health.
Are the herbs organically grown?
For the most part – around 97%, the rest comes from wild collection.
Are there quality controls for the Flor Essence herbs?
The herbs are 97% from organic farming or wild collection. Flora grows some of the herbs on its own farms or sources the herbs from contract farmers around the world. These are certified and work to a high quality standard.
The quality controls that the herbs undergo at the manufacturer Flora are also very strict. Flora has an excellent reputation in Canada and now also worldwide as a producer of health products.
Do you have to strain the herbal tea or can you drink the herbs as well?
Yes, you are welcome to drink the herbs as well; if you don’t mind the herbal components in the tea, you don’t need to strain the tea. However, this may reduce the shelf life.
Can I take Flor Essence together with other dietary supplements (DS) or medicines?
You can also take Flor Essence at the same time as other DS or medicines. There are no known interactions. However, it is generally advisable to consult your doctor about this.
Is it necessary to dilute the tea?
Yes, always dilute the tea with water. Dilution should be done with hot water, as health drinks can be absorbed better when they are at body temperature. When sipping, always leave the tea in your mouth for some time. This allows it to be absorbed into the bloodstream through the oral mucosa, making it faster acting.
Why should the tea be taken on an empty stomach if possible?
It has a better effect on your general health when taken on an empty stomach rather than after a meal. However, it is also possible to drink the tea if the last meal was three hours ago.
If the tea is used together with dietary supplements, won’t you be absorbing too much of certain substances?
Each of the 8 herbs contains different nutrients. But with the small amount that you ultimately drink, there is no danger of excessive supply. In fact, it is often helpful to take dietary supplements during a course of treatment with the tea to support the body. Selenium and zinc are often taken as dietary supplements with the tea.
How much iodine is in Flor Essence?
The daily recommended intake (= RDA) for iodine is currently 150 micrograms/day. According to scientific studies, the maximum intake for adults is 1.1 milligrams per day. The average of all Flor Essence samples tested by the manufacturer is less than 1.2 micrograms of iodine per millilitre of tea.
For the daily intake amounts this means: With 60 ml twice a day, we consume 72 micrograms of iodine per day. At 120 ml twice a day, this would be 144 micrograms per day. In this respect, there is hardly any danger for patients who have hyperthyroidism. Only people who are allergic to iodine should avoid Indian tea.
How much of the tea should I take?
Adults should take 30 to 60 ml (two to four tablespoons) per day for their general health. Either on an empty stomach in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, and before going to bed or half an hour before meals. Sometimes it is useful to start with one tablespoon a day on an empty stomach and before bedtime, and slowly increase the dose.
If needed, adults can increase the amount to 90 ml (six tablespoons) twice a day (i.e. 180 ml in total) up to 90 ml three to four times a day, i.e. 270 ml to 360 ml per day.
Some users even take 360 ml in three or four doses per day, always diluted with the same amount of hot water and drunk slowly. In addition, they always drank at least two litres of spring water, for example Montcalm, per day.
How soon can we expect the first results?
This varies greatly and depends on the person’s general condition. Some people notice results within a few days, while others, especially those whose health is challenged, may not see results for several weeks or even months. As a rule, most users feel an improvement in their general condition after two to four weeks.
Who should not take the tea?
- Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers
- People with massive hyperthyroidism or an allergy to iodine and Hashimoto patients
- Dialysis patients
- People with lung, liver, heart, kidney transplants and other organ transplants who must always take medication that suppresses the immune system. There is a possibility here that the tea may interfere with the necessary effect of the immunosuppressants.
- In bone marrow transplants, on the other hand, where the patient receives their own bone marrow and therefore does not have to take any medication, consuming the tea is not a problem.
How long should I take the tea?
You can complete a course of two to three months with the tea if you are drinking it preventively. If your health is challenged, it is advisable to take it permanently.
Taking a break from the tea for a few weeks is only recommended after more than a year. Many users report that they notice when it is time to drink the tea again.
You feel the effect of the tea in a better state of health.
Can the tea also be taken during chemotherapy or radiation?
Yes, decades of experience have shown that this is in fact beneficial.
However, you should take a break of three to five days after chemotherapy before you start drinking the tea.
Can you drink the 8-herb tea even if you have allergies or an autoimmune disease?
There are very good experiences here too, especially with allergies.
However, caution is advised with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, or Hashimoto’s for short. This is an autoimmune disease that leads to chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this case, you should not drink the tea.
Why should the tea not be kept in a plastic bottle?
If possible, avoid plastic bottles. This applies primarily to thin, cheap plastic bottles. They contain plasticisers (bisphenol A / BPA) which have a negative influence on our hormone system. Meanwhile, there are also plastic bottles without BPA, but you should not fill hot liquids into these either. There are also undesirable reactions between the plastic and the ingredients contained in the tea.